Languages: English & Dutch for the Netherlands

Pronouns: he/him


Why work in Linguistics according to Maarten:


YOU DECIDE – Having the freedom and agency to pick your project is a win/win. Linguists work on projects they are passionate about and clients get that dedication and commitment to quality.


DIVERSITY IS THE NEW SPICE OF LIFE – Because TransPerfect has many diverse clients, there’s always new and changing content.



COLLEAGUES HERE & ABROAD – Being a linguist means working with other linguists, project managers, and expert specialists from all over the globe.


And who is Maarten?


Volley into Journalism and Engineering – Previously Maarten had a career in journalism; covering the tennis circuit. He’s even met Patrick Mouratoglou! (Talk about star struck) Before that he diversified his career history by studying engineering systems but ultimately found his calling in translation.


Maarten is happily married to his Filipina spouse and one of his favorite places to travel is the Philippines! He’s truly fallen in love with the culture and the people.


Active beyond Work – Maarten isn’t just sitting stationary in front of his computer all day. His office chair surely gets cold with all the biking and hiking he engages in during his free time!



Maarten’s PRIDE in Family Ties


Maarten shared that he has an uncle who is gay, and growing up with this relative expressing their sexuality and lifestyle was normal. Like a lot of people, Maarten views any spectrum of sexuality as just who you are, and not a choice people make.


We continue to appreciate Maarten’s commitment to LGBTQ+ awareness and we want to thank Mike and the Iverson team for nominating him for a feature opportunity.