Languages: English & French Canadian

Pronouns: she/her


Why work in Linguistics according to Anne:


THE SUN SHINES ON NEW THINGS EVERY DAY – Anne really enjoys that working in linguistics means learning constantly about new subjects and opportunities. We agree! Because of the many diverse industries, TransPerfect supports there is never a lack of new things to explore and learn!


And who is Anne?


WORK EQUALS IMPACT – Anne takes pride that the work she does in partnership with TransPerfect isn’t just a job. She appreciates that it helps make a difference in the world we all live in together. Anne views her contribution has “building bridges between cultures.” Like Maarten, Anne didn’t find linguistics right away. She studied science before creating a career in language but still made a phenomenal difference by working as a healthcare professional.


MAKE-UP AND MUSIC – Anne has quite the varied interest outside of linguistics! In addition to being a member of an amateur orchestra where she plays the flute, Anne enjoys getting all dolled up in the latest make-up trends. I’m sure she was a riot of color and contouring during our year of Zoom meetings!


Pride in Anne


As mentioned earlier Anne has a great appreciation for both music and for art, which has translated into a genuine appreciation for Drag culture. Drag among many other things includes make-up, music, fashion, and so many other facets of queer culture. Anne view Drag as “powerful form of art” and is excited to support this expression in person and safely soon!


“RUNNING” FOR BEST DOG MOM! – Anne might not be a House Mother but she is certainly a dog mom. We hope both Anne and her dog get to enjoy Pride in Montreal safely next year. Outside of drag culture and being a dog mom Anne enjoys educating herself on LGBTQ+ cause, and actively making space for stories and histories shared with her from members of the community.


Vendor Experience appreciates Annie’s LGBTQ+ activism and thanks Giovanna from for nominating her. Giovanna considers Anne an extremely responsive linguist who understands how to manage time-sensitive and high-visibility clients and projects.